Class AnsiMain

  • public class AnsiMain
    extends Object
    Main class for the library, providing executable jar to diagnose Jansi setup.

    If no system property is set and output is sent to a terminal (no redirect to a file):

    • any terminal on any Unix should get RESET_ANSI_AT_CLOSE mode,
    • on Windows, Git-bash or Cygwin terminals should get RESET_ANSI_AT_CLOSE mode also, since they support natively ANSI escape sequences like any Unix terminal,
    • on Windows, cmd.exe, PowerShell or Git-cmd terminals should get WINDOWS mode.
    If stdout is redirected to a file (> out.txt), System.out should switch to STRIP_ANSI. Same for stderr redirection (2> err.txt) which should affect System.err mode.

    The results will vary if you play with jansi.passthrough, jansi.strip or jansi.force system property, or if you redirect output to a file.

    If you have a specific situation that is not covered, please report precise conditions to reproduce the issue and ideas on how to detect precisely the affected situation.

    See Also: