All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description Ansi Provides a fluent API for generating ANSI escape sequences.Ansi.Attribute Display attributes, also know as SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) parameters.Ansi.Color ANSI 8 colors for fluent APIAnsi.Consumer Ansi.Erase ED (Erase in Display) / EL (Erase in Line) parameter (see CSI sequence J and K)AnsiColors Colors support.AnsiConsole Provides consistent access to an ANSI aware console PrintStream or an ANSI codes stripping PrintStream if not on a terminal (see Jansi native CLibrary isatty(int)).AnsiMain Main class for the library, providing executable jar to diagnose Jansi setup.AnsiMode Ansi mode.AnsiOutputStream A ANSI print stream extracts ANSI escape codes written to an output stream and calls correspondingAnsiProcessor.process*
methods.AnsiOutputStream.IoRunnable AnsiOutputStream.WidthSupplier AnsiOutputStream.ZeroWidthSupplier AnsiPrintStream Simple PrintStream holding an AnsiOutputStream.AnsiProcessor ANSI processor providingprocess*
corresponding to ANSI escape codes.AnsiRenderer Renders ANSI color escape-codes in strings by parsing out some special syntax to pick up the correct fluff to use.AnsiRenderer.Code AnsiType Processor type.CLibrary Interface to access some low level POSIX functions, loaded by HawtJNI Runtime asjansi
library.CLibrary.Termios termios structure for termios functions, describing a general terminal interface that is provided to control asynchronous communications portsCLibrary.WinSize Window sizes.Colors Helper class for dealing with color rounding.ColorsAnsiProcessor Ansi processor to process color conversion if needed.FastBufferedOutputStream A simple buffering output stream with no synchronization.JansiLoader Set the system properties, org.jansi.lib.path,, appropriately so that jansi can find *.dll, *.jnilib and *.so files, according to the current OS (win, linux, mac).Kernel32 Interface to access Win32 base APIs.Kernel32.CHAR_INFO see: Kernel32.FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD see: see: see: see: see: see: Provides OS name and architecture name.WindowsAnsiProcessor A Windows ANSI escape processor, that uses JNA to access native platform API's to change the console attributes (see Jansi native Kernel32).WindowsSupport